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25 µm  Platinum foil CSTOP

Aperture (O.D)       : 400 µm

Central Stop (I.D)  : 100 µm

Support Spokes    : ~15 µm

Incorporated Central Stops can be any size, and they are electroplated as a separate process when the Zone Plate is complete, at additional cost. Alternatively, separate foil Central Stops are available. Click here for a complete list of stock foil Central Stops. The foils are easy to handle, and can be cut with scissors to the exact size required. A simple holder design can be used for the alignment of ZP and Central Stop.

SEM micrograph of the centre of a ZP with an additional 2 µm thick incorporated gold CSTOP. Measured transmission  ~1E-5 @2.7 KeV.